
  • US Hiring Slows More Than Expected

    The nation's employers pulled back on their hiring in April in a sign that persistently high interest rates may be starting to take a bigger toll on the economy, per the AP . Main number: Employers added 175,000 jobs last month, down from a robust 315,000 in March and... Go to Source Author:

    Posted at May 4, 2024 | By : | Categories : Quick Facts | 0 Comment
  • Jobs Report Defies Expectations Yet Again

    America's employers delivered another outpouring of jobs in March, adding a sizzling 303,000 workers to their payrolls and bolstering hopes that the economy can vanquish inflation without succumbing to a recession in the face of high interest rates, the AP reports. Last month's job growth was up from a... Go to Source Author:

    Posted at April 6, 2024 | By : | Categories : Quick Facts | 0 Comment
  • February Jobs Report Contained a Surprise

    The February jobs report was an eagerly anticipated one, and it held a surprise. Economists had not expected a repeat of January's originally reported 353,000 new jobs, with most predicting the addition of 200,000 jobs last month. But February delivered 275,000 new jobs, a number the AP... Go to Source Author: Kate Seamons

    Posted at March 9, 2024 | By : | Categories : Quick Facts | 0 Comment
  • US Employers Keep Defying Expectations

    A new report out of the Labor Department on Friday shows that American employers continue to hire at what the AP calls a "stunning" pace: Employers added 353,000 jobs in January, well above expectations of 185,000, reports the Wall Street Journal . It's also higher than the revised figure... Go to Source Author: John Johnson

    Posted at February 3, 2024 | By : | Categories : Quick Facts | 0 Comment
  • New CBO Projections Raise Hopes of a ‘Soft Landing’

    The Congressional Budget Office said Friday it expects inflation to nearly hit the Federal Reserve's 2% target rate in 2024, as overall growth is expected to slow and unemployment is expected to rise into 2025, according to updated economic projections for the next two years. The office's Current View of... Go to Source Author:

    Posted at December 16, 2023 | By : | Categories : Quick Facts | 0 Comment