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Young Americans giving up on job searches as unemployment reaches higher levels

Posted at July 31, 2012 | By : | Categories : Quick Facts | 0 Comment

“I have waited long enough for Obama to bring his shovel ready jobs,” said 26-year-old Austin Taylor, from San Antonio. “It’s obvious he is not delivering while my peers and I remain unemployed.”

Taylor is just one of the 16.8% of the nation’s young adults who remain unemployed.
Paul T. Conway, the former Chief of Staff of the US Department of Labor, should know a thing or two about adults ages 18-29 and their struggles with unemployment.

Conway is President of Generation Opportunity, a non-profit, non-partisan group “that seeks to engage everyone from young adults, to early career professionals, college students, young mothers and fathers, construction workers, current service men and women, veterans, entrepreneurs, and all Americans who find themselves dissatisfied with the status quo and willing to create a better tomorrow.”

The latest unemployment numbers by the Labor Department does not look good.

More people are paying attention to Conway, who is detailing the perspectives of more than 3.4 million young Americans through his grassroots organization.

Generation Opportunity released data this month revealing that young adults ages 18-29 faced a 12.8% non-seasonally adjusted unemployment rate.

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