Help Rebuild America

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Help Rebuild America (HRA)

At Help Rebuild America (HRA), our main goal is Job Creation on a national level. From Administrative to Telecomm and everything in between, we work on Job Placement within all industry sectors. The effort specializes in both re-training and cross-training America's unemployed and military personnel into a growing viable workforce. We provide them with the necessary resources required to get them back on their feet and into today's global competitive workplace.To this end, we hire at least 50% of our staff from the ranks of the unemployed and military veterans.

  • Companies Push for Tax Break on Foreign Cash

    Source: The New York Times/ June 19, 2011 By DAVID KOCIENIEWSKI Some of the nation’s largest corporations have amassed vast profits outside the country and are pressing Congress and the Obama administration for a tax break to bring the money home. Apple has $12 billion waiting offshore, Google has $17 billion and Microsoft, $29 billion. Under the proposal, known as a repatriation holiday, the federal income tax owed on such profits returned to the United States would fall to ...

    Posted at June 8, 2012 | By : | Categories : Quick Facts | 0 Comment
  • Facebook hires software engineers from India to fill US posts Mar 28, 2012, 10.11AM IST According to Prabhakaran Murugaiah, founder and CEO at Corp-Corp, a Virginia-based technology staffing company, companies hiring from India for jobs based in the US is rare, but this will probably increase because of talent shortage in the world's largest economy. "Unemployment in the technology space is only 3.7%, which is virtually zero talent available for the current skills in demand," he said. MUMBAI: Facebook, the world's largest social networking site, is doing ...

    Posted at March 29, 2011 | By : | Categories : Quick Facts | 0 Comment